It feels like forever since I've been able to actually sit still for a while & read favortie blogs & post something here. I've missed blogging but haven't had the time & when that happens so does the brain freeze that goes along with it. Do some of you get stumped on what to post or what to say? I don't know how daily bloggers do it. When I get so busy with projects, garden, housework, family, friends or my job I get tongue tied for blogging. Main reason why I've been away for a while. Life seems to be settling down a bit here a bit so I'm back, even if it's only for a post or two. My daughter was a beautiful bride in early June & her wedding was all we wanted it to be. I can't believe how planning for a wedding can consume you. It was a labor of love & fun but kinda glad it's behind us now. Hubby & I are back to being best friends. For a while there, I thought he was going to run away as we climbed higher & higher over budget-lol. Here are some of my favorite pics of the wedding~so many more but had to condense.......

On to the chalk paint....I haven't even laid eyes on this stuff but I already LOVE it! I found a place about 45 minutes away that carries annie sloanes fabulous chalk paint. Check out this fabulous shop http://www.searosecottage.com & see where I will be headed on friday morning to load up on supplies & paint. I wanted to post a "before" photo of a piece of furniture I will be painting but I haven't cleaned it up enough for a picture. I'll post soon & then post after it is painted. I get so much inspiration from blogs like Miss Mustard Seed. After seeing all the furniture Marian has painted on her blog, I knew I had to tackle something & try this paint that doesn't need a primer base, adheres to anything & gives furniture, cabinets & floors a wonderful look. I'm going for a very swedish look for my piece. I'll be back in another post with the befores & afters. I'm hosting a bridal shower for my niece-in-law on sunday & will probably be pulling an all-nighter painting on friday night. I'll post as soon as it's done.
The summer is flying by~enjoy your week. xo