Tuesday, March 13, 2012

73 Degrees & Shopping In Boston.......

What a day! The temp in my car monday read 73 degrees & after taking a friend to a dr.s appt. in Boston we stopped for lunch & a little shopping. Nothing says spring more than the gorgeous hues at Anthropologie & Williams Sonoma.  I snuk my camera in to snap some pics while we shopped...

Gorgeous props in anthro
don't these colors scream SPRING?!
cool spoon hook
This was my favorite thing in the store :)
Look at this sweet book
I can't remember if this was a throw or a scarf-like crocheted thingy but it's gorgeous!
beauuuuutiful mercury glass knobs
Don't you think their bedding is dreamy?
And of course the clothes!

lets head over to williams sonoma now before i get in the car & run up to anthropologie & grab the things i should have grabbed when I was there. why do i talk myself out of things all the time?
so cute all decked out for easter
must have for the serious baker, yes?
one in every color please
french copper......need i say more?

Hope you are enjoying the week-we are having some heavenly weather here in ma this week-a tease of what's to come-can't wait! xoxo


  1. Love Anthropologie....haven't been able to visit one since Waterside Shops in Naples....Love the bed!

  2. Oh my, you were at 2 of my most favorite places!!~ Wonderful photos, thank you so much for taking us there through your pictures.
    Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments on my blog, I really appreciate it!!
    Have a beautiful day.

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Now I'm jealous of the stores you get to shop in! Small town country living does not provide shopping opportunities like these. Love all your pictures!

  4. Great shopping trip! Love those stores.
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!


  5. Hi Chris!
    I am too shy to ask to take pictures at Anthro!
    Have you been to the one at Legacy Place in Dedham...fabulous!!!

    1. lol that's where these are from sandi-they have such great shops there don't they?? we ate at legals & then headed off to shop. nice afternoon with a dear friend....:)

    2. P.S. I didn't ask I just snuk the pics!!!lol

  6. I've taken pix at the anthro in Cranston, R.I. no problem at all! Love the place, so inspiring!

  7. I love Williams Sonoma, but I think the most expensive thing I have ever purchased there are some of the tea towels.

  8. Can you believe this gorgeous weather we've been having? It looks like you had a fabulous time shopping in Boston (I worked in Boston for many years and I miss being there daily... doing window shopping on almost every lunch break)! Thank you for visiting my blog - you MUST go to PB this summer!; )

  9. They sure know how to do it well over there! I think they get their good ideas from bloggers though!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by today, so then I could find you.

    We're one another's newest followers - love your blog and can't wait to look at back posts.

    Nice to meet you!

    Happy spring to you and yours!!


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